Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What can I do if my transmitter stops working?

A: First check the battery in the transmitter. If the battery is OK and your system is code learning, try reprogramming your transmitter. Your owner's manual contains the transmitter programming procedure. If this does not work, you may need to replace your transmitter.

Q: Where can I buy batteries for my transmitter?

A: The most common place to find batteries for your transmitter is your local Omega dealer. Many electronics stores also carry the correct battery.

Q: What kind of battery does my transmitter use?

A: Omega transmitters use a GP-23A 12 volt battery. This battery is also known as a GP lighter battery as it is used in many electric lighters.

Q: How can I get a replacement of additional transmitter?

A: First you must identify the model number of your transmitter. You can do that by using our Transmitter Reference Guide. Click SUPPORT > REPLACEMENT REMOTES on the menu above. Once you know your transmitter model number, you can consult your dealer, or you may purchase it online or from our customer service department at 800-554-4053.

Q: If my alarm is armed or triggered and my transmitter doesn't work, how can I disable my system so I can drive my car?

A: You need to perform an emergency override. Most Omega alarms can be disabled by entering the vehicle, turning the ignition to the run position, then pressing the alarm's valet switch once (Some Omega systems feature a secret coded override. If this is the case, consult your owner's manual). The alarm should disarm. To prevent the alarm from accidentally rearming while the transmitter is inoperable, press and hold the valet switch for 3 seconds to put the alarm in valet mode. The alarm should respond by chirping twice and turning on the LED status indicator.

Q: Where is my valet switch?

A: Most modern Omega systems have the valet switch built into the window mount antenna. Systems with a separate valet switch can be more difficult to because the location of the valet switch was chosen by the installer. It is usually installed somewhere under the driver's side of the dash. Please refer to your operation guide to determine what type of valet switch you have. If all else fails, consult your local installer.

Q: How can I get an Owner's Manual for my Omega system?

A: Most of our current manuals are available on this site. They are downloadable in PDF format from our Owner's Manual page. If the manual you need is not available, please request it from our customer service department.

Q: The operating range for my system has decreased over time. How can I solve this problem?

A: Check the battery in your transmitter. If the battery is draining, it will weaken the signal being sent to your keyless entry/ security system. If you replace the battery and the problem does not go away, your system may need to be serviced.

Q: How can I get my system serviced?

A: Consult with your local Omega dealer. Often times, the problem is simple and can be easily solved by an Omega dealer. If the problem appears to be equipment related, call our technical support department at 800-921-TECH (8324) to determine if it should be sent in for warranty.

Q: Can someone program an additional transmitter to my security system without my knowledge?

A: Yes, adding transmitters to most systems is surprisingly easy. Unfortunately, the majority of keyless entry and security systems on the market today are vulnerable to this type of attack. Omega's patented Unauthorized Transmitter Alert is the only available means to protect your vehicle and its contents from this ever growing threat. Unauthorized Transmitter Alert tells you how many transmitters are programmed to your system every time you turn on your ignition.
